Year 9 and 10 Selected courses

In Year 9, learners will get to choose Selected courses.  This is designed to ensure that learners experience a wide range of learning opportunities across the different Learning Areas.  All learners are expected to take a Language and Technology course across the year.

They will choose a Semester course - this run for two terms and a Taster course, which runs for a term.  This means across the year they will experience six different courses across the year.

In Year 10, learners will experience Semester only courses.  This is to ensure they are able to go deeper in their learning, having had a change to experience different opportunities in Year 9.

They will choose two courses that will run for Terms 1 and 2 and a further two courses that will run for Terms 3 and 4.

Courses are available to view on this site and show possible learning pathways through to NCEA Level courses.  

