2CHEM: Chemistry
Course Description
Learning Area Leader: Ms C. Green.
Learners will explore the fundamental concepts of the chemical world around us by exploring chemicals in everyday products and how they interact and react. We will look at the factors which cause and impact chemical reactions through theoretical knowledge and practical investigations.
Skills/content you will cover in this course
Rates of reaction
Acids & Bases
Structure and Bonding
Organic Chemistry
Chemical Reactivity.
Skills you need to be successful in this course - ability to work safely in the lab and carry out practical work - Working collaboratively - Written Reports and Scientific writing - Time management. - Ability to receive feedback and apply it - Independent study skills
This course is useful for or will lead to - this course will be vital for those wishing to take Level 3 Chemistry, and want to pursue careers in Engineering, Vet, Medical sciences and any other tertiary courses requiring Chemistry as a prerequisite.
Recommended Prior Learning
Any Level 1 Science course
Additional Course Specific Contributions & Equipment/Stationery
The sciPAD Workbooks are a compulsory requirement for this course and will be charged to learner accounts. This will be approximately $30.
A scientific calculator is required.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
Chemistry 2.4 - Demonstrate understanding of bonding, structure, properties and energy changes
Chemistry 2.5 - Demonstrate understanding of the properties of selected organic compounds
Chemistry 2.6 - Demonstrate understanding of chemical reactivity
Chemistry 2.1 - Carry out a practical investigation into a substance present in a consumer product using quantitative analysis
Chemistry 2.2 - Carry out an investigation into chemical species present in a sample using qualitative analysis
Please note that course assessment and costs/equipment may change.