10FOOD1: Food Product Development (Option B)

Course Description

Learning Area Leader: Miss K. Hoare.

Dive into the rich heritage and unique culture of Aotearoa New Zealand before embarking on a culinary exploration of global foods. Understand how the diverse cuisine connects with personal identity as you delve into different cultures' culinary traditions. Students will engage in planning and preparing a cultural dish, accompanied by creating an appealing recipe card. 

Skills/content you will cover in this course 

  • Basic food safety

  • Knife safety skills

  • Learn about traditional māori foods and the development as NZ as a food culture.

Skills you need to be successful in this course - a willingness to give things a go, ability to listen and follow instructions.

This course is useful for or will lead to - 1KAI or 1HOSP and future Year 12 and 13 courses.



Please note that course assessment and costs/equipment may change.