3PHYS: Physics
Course Description
Learning Area Leader: Ms C. Green.
Learners will explore the physics systems that underline the universe. They will use these skills to explain phenomena experienced in the world around them.
Skills/content you will cover in this course
Using Physics theory to predict movement in Mechanical Systems
Exploring wave phenomena
Understanding components of electrical systems
Conducting a practical physics investigation.
Skills you need to be successful in this course - a foundational knowledge of physics concepts built up from Level 2. Learners should be proficient in mathematics/numeracy, particularly in algebra and trigonometry. Be able to communicate scientific ideas in a written format.
This course is useful for or will lead to - professions that physics can lead to include: engineering (mechanical, civil, electrical etc.), various trades (electrician, construction, plumber, welders, mechanics), computer science, AI, health sciences (medicine, physiotherapy), aircraft pilot, software engineering, animation and game development, transport etc.
Recommended Prior Learning
Level 2 Physics (particularly, Mechanics 2.4, Investigations 2.1 and Electricity 2.6). Fundamental Maths Skills (algebra, trignometry).
Additional Course Specific Contributions & Equipment/Stationery
The sciPAD Workbooks are a compulsory requirement for this course and will be charged to learner accounts. This will be approximately $30.
This course is for anyone wanting to go into sciences at university, particularly an engineering pathway.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
This course is approved for University Entrance.
Physics 3.1 - Carry out a practical investigation to test a physics theory relating two variables in a non-linear relationship
Physics 3.3 - Demonstrate understanding of wave systems
Physics 3.4 - Demonstrate understanding of mechanical systems
Physics 3.6 - Demonstrate understanding of electrical systems
Approved subject for University Entrance
Number of credits that can be used for overall endorsement: 20
Learners must achieve this assessment in order to count towards the 14 credits needed for University Entrance.
Please note that course assessment and costs/equipment may change.