9HIT1: Produce a Hit (Term Two)
Course Description
Learning Area Leader: Mrs M. Millar.
This course caters to those who are more interested music technology and creating their own music on programmes known as Digital Audio Workstations. They will be taught how to use a D.A.W and will look at the elements and features that feature in this style of music, such as pre and post recording techniques and music structure.
Skills/content you will cover in this course
What is Midi
What is a Digital Audio Workstation
The Elements of Music
Recording techniques.
This course is useful for or will lead to - Year 10 and NCEA Music courses.
Additional Course Specific Contributions & Equipment/Stationery
Please note that any extra curricular Performing Arts activities may incur an optional cost of between $50-$100 approx.
Please note that course assessment and costs/equipment may change.