2GEO: Geography
Course Description
Learning Area Leader: Mr R. McBrearty.
In this exciting course, we will embark on an adventure to discover the captivating natural and cultural environments in Aotearoa New Zealand and around the world.
Skills/content you will cover in this course
How interactions occur in the natural and cultural world
Write geographic reports on local, national and international topics
Research skills
Detailed analysis of graphs and maps.
Skills you need to be successful in this course - research skills are needed to be successful in 2 Geography. Being able to summarise and write succinctly, as well as conveying information accurately and effectively.
This course is useful for or will lead to - this course will lead nicely into level 3 Geography. Further opportunities include geography, geology, sociology, political science, environmental work, urban and natural development, and management
Recommended Prior Learning
Level 1 Literacy
Additional Course Specific Contributions & Equipment/Stationery
Possible Overnight Aoraki Mount Cook Field Trip opportunity to deepen and reinforce learning at an approximate cost of between $200 to $300 covering travel expenses and entry fee.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
Geography 2.2 - Demonstrate geographic understanding of an urban pattern
Geography 2.4 - Apply geography concepts and skills to demonstrate understanding of a given environment
Geography 2.5 - Conduct geographic research with guidance
Geography 2.6 - Explain aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue
Geography 2.7 - Explain aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale
Please note that course assessment and costs/equipment may change.