2YES: Y.E.S Young Enterprise Scheme
Course Description
Learning Area Leader: Mr R. McBrearty.
Learners will create and run their own business throughout the year in groups as part of the Young Enterprise Scheme business competition while understanding a wide range of business concepts that come together when you ideate, validate, plan, pitch and take your product to market.
Skills/content you will cover in this course
Business planning and pitching including marketing and sales
Product ideation and prototyping
Validation and research
Financial forecasting and management.
Skills you need to be successful in this course - Collaboration & teamwork, communication skills (both written & verbal), financial literacy & budgeting/forecasting, creativity, problem solving, resilience & risk taking.
This course is useful for or will lead to - Year 13: - 3YES - a further opportunity to run a business for a year through the Young Enterprise Scheme business competition - 3BUS - continue learning about business concepts. There is no group work in this course. Beyond school tertiary pathways - you can study Commerce, Human Resources, Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Economics, Innovation, Management (and much more) at University. There are also certificate and diploma options in Business at Ara and other institutions.
*Please note learners cannot take 2YES and 2 Business Studies*
Recommended Prior Learning
Level 1 Commerce
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Communicate in a team or group which has an objective
Business Studies 2.4 - Conduct market research for a new or existing product
Business Studies 2.5 - Investigate the application of motivation theory in a business
Business Studies 2.6 - Carry out, review and refine a business activity within a community context with guidance
Please note that course assessment and costs/equipment may change.